Welcome to Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) 133 the Runnin' Roos! NMCB-133 prides itself on being the Seabees our nation needs by providing advance base construction, battle damage repair, contingency engineering, humanitarian assistance and disaster recovery support to our fleet and unified commanders.
The "Runnin' Roos" have a rich, extensive history of excellence which we try to respect and uphold. Today's Roos are still making tremendous contributions to our great nation and continue to build on the legacy left by our predecessors.
Whether you are joining our battalion, a family member, a NMCB-133 alumni, or a friend of the Seabees, we hope that this site gives you an idea of our history, current organization, and what is expected from the men and women of our proud unit.
We are extremely proud of each and every member of our "CAN DO" team. If you are joining our battalion, welcome to the “Runnin Roos!”